Monday, April 23, 2007

"Hate Speech" = Resistance to World Jewish Tyranny and Genocide by Race Mixing

A group of European Parliament members have submitted a draft declaration to the European Parliament requiring ISPs to take action against online hate speech. Sponsored by Glyn Ford and Claude Moraes of the UK, Viktória Mohácsi of Hungary, and Bernd Posselt and Feleknas Uca of Germany, the declaration calls on ISPs to better monitor the content of the sites they host in order to keep hate speech off the web.

The five European MPs sponsoring the declaration would like to see racism and hate speech banished from the Internet completely, starting with Europe. Should European ISPs not go along, the MPs will try to get the European Commission to enact legislation on the issue, reports Heise Online.

Currently, the EU runs the Safer Internet Plus program, which intends to "promote safer use of the Internet" while fighting against "illegal content and content unwanted by" end users. The MPs are calling on the EC to act within the framework of that program to force ISPs to take hate speech and racist web sites online.

The MPs efforts to ban hate speech face the same fundamental obstacles that other legislative efforts to govern content on the Internet run into. For everything from hate speech to digital piracy, the Internet's carefully designed lack of respect for international borders always thwarts efforts to eradicate certain types of content from the 'Net as a whole.

A related problem that afflicts European anti-hate speech legislation in particular is that laws defining illegal speech differ markedly from one country to the next. It may be illegal to sell Nazi memorabilia in Germany, but keeping eBay's online auctions completely free of such stuff has posed a problem precisely because it's not illegal to sell it in other countries.

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